Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Yummy yum.

Last night, (more like 1 a.m. this morning) I decided I could not wait any longer and I needed to make cupcakes that I did!

Now, there are a few key things to remember in this equation of bakery goodness 1) I'm not a professional, although I would like to be 2) with an all-of-the-sudden idea, you never have what you will need. Both of these factors are in play for this little experiment. So here it goes:
The first thing is to find those darn cupcake paper liners, because we aren't making muffins! Well here's were we all start going downhill....I have three or four, but they are in such rough shape. Like, a Henry the 8th ex-wife kinda deal....that's a no-go. Ooh! But I do have the cutest little silicone liners thay look very similar to cupcakes, right? Yeah! We will use those!

So now we are cooking with peanut oil!

On to the recipe finding. Well after looking at a million recipes I see one that will work! But what will I frost it with?? I have about 1/4 cup of confectioners sugar and that won't ice five cupcakes. On to the learning curve. So I go ahead and make the cupcakes, and I will worry about the icing later. After a few conversions, a little multiplication of fractions and some whipping and they're in the oven!

Now a little cleaning and to make the icing. I make chocolate cupcakes so of course I'm thinking peanut butter icing. Reese's cupcakes, yes please! So I find a lovely recipe for some peanut butter icing and go through all of the stuff I have, some peanut butter: check, some butter: check, 4 cups of confectioners sugar: oh no. Welp, this isn't going anywhere. Famous last words: "I'll just do it myself"
So here is the part where I tell you that this turned out horribly, but it didnt! I had to tweak a lot of things and I had a little white frosting from a can left over from Ty's birthday cake so just adding a little of this and that and we were in business! That is until I had to actually ice the cupcakes....
Well if any of you have ever iced something professionally, you know about the icing bag and tips and different little design techniques. I had a zip lock and a pair of scissors and I was working! 

Well they aren't GiGi's cupcakes by any means but they are pretty darn good. And although the icing looks a little like poop piles, they are sweet and light and aren't hard after being refrigerated! How is that not the best?

Next time I will probably do a little more tweaking but I'd say this was a win. Now, on to the next round....egg custard pie.

Have a sweet day, my friends.
- Ada

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Femme & Fille

Well, I have decided to learn French. So as lesson one closes I have learned a bit of the following:


So I guess you could say this is going somewhere (as long as I stick to it better than I did college).

I took three years of Spanish in high school but that amounted to me being able to write you a letter, with proper grammar, but only being able to ask where the bathroom is and tell you my name. That will help make fun of people in the grocery store....NOT. (because why else learn a language than to make fun of people in front of them) day today consisted of continued binge watching Netflix (anyone seen the second season of Orange is the New Black?? Only me? Okay...) and checking out my new favorite blog ----->

They take failure to a whole new hilarious level, just sayin'.

As I sit here and finish Mission Impossible III with the hubs,  I am so very very tired AND have been unable to keep my neck from cramping every night so my head feels like a bobble head of sorts. Anyone have any help with that? Tomorrow I'm thinking of making cupcakes, I'll let you know how that disaster comes out (there will be a great story to go along, no doubt) and take pictures for you.

So, g'night an sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

- Ada


Soooooooo, welcome to my blog. 

This will be a nice little adventure for all of us. As there are more and more posts I will hope to humor you with my witty and cunning jokes (just kidding, I'm not much of a comedian, okay maybe just a bit), but also let this be a gathering place where boredom is freed and my imagination is relishing funny thoughts in your head. 

"Welcome aboard explorer!" - anyone to name that movie and we will forever be friends.

A little introduction is in order: My name is Ada, I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful puppy-dogs, Kush and Hamlet (who you will most likely hear about, often), a wife to my wonderful husband Ty, and a wild dreamer for a bakery. 

To sum it all up, if you enjoy food and laughter - this is your homeplace. Welcome Home!

I look forward to post every-other day but you may here something from me more or less than that, depending on where I am and how good the WiFi is. 

See you later, alligator
 - Ada