Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Soooooooo, welcome to my blog. 

This will be a nice little adventure for all of us. As there are more and more posts I will hope to humor you with my witty and cunning jokes (just kidding, I'm not much of a comedian, okay maybe just a bit), but also let this be a gathering place where boredom is freed and my imagination is relishing funny thoughts in your head. 

"Welcome aboard explorer!" - anyone to name that movie and we will forever be friends.

A little introduction is in order: My name is Ada, I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful puppy-dogs, Kush and Hamlet (who you will most likely hear about, often), a wife to my wonderful husband Ty, and a wild dreamer for a bakery. 

To sum it all up, if you enjoy food and laughter - this is your homeplace. Welcome Home!

I look forward to post every-other day but you may here something from me more or less than that, depending on where I am and how good the WiFi is. 

See you later, alligator
 - Ada

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